; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ; andLinux * ; Copyright (C) 2008 by David Solomon and Joachim Gehweiler * ; * ; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * ; (at your option) any later version. * ; * ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * ; GNU General Public License for more details. * ; * ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * ; along with this program. If not, see . * ; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [Setup] AppName=andLinux AppVerName=andLinux Beta 2 AppPublisher=David Solomon and Joachim Gehweiler DefaultDirName={pf}\andLinux DefaultGroupName=andLinux AllowNoIcons=yes LicenseFile=license.txt ; disable Windows 9x, require at least Windows 2000 (NT 5.0) MinVersion=0,5.0 ; only 32-bit supported ArchitecturesAllowed=x86 ; need to be admin to install andLinux PrivilegesRequired=admin ; restart required for TAP driver and NT service AlwaysRestart=yes UninstallRestartComputer=yes ; compress all files in one stream Compression=lzma/ultra64 SolidCompression=no [Files] Source: "..\minimal\base.vdi"; DestDir: "{app}\Drives"; Flags: confirmoverwrite uninsneveruninstall Source: "..\minimal\swap.vdi"; DestDir: "{app}\Drives" Source: "..\common\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Excludes: ".*sync,stable,testing"; Flags: recursesubdirs Source: "..\common\stable\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Excludes: ".*sync"; Flags: recursesubdirs; Check: StableKernelCheck(True) Source: "..\common\testing\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Excludes: ".*sync"; Flags: recursesubdirs; Check: StableKernelCheck(False) Source: "..\common\Xming\*"; DestDir: "{app}\Xming"; Excludes: ".*sync"; Flags: recursesubdirs; Check: XmingCheck() Source: "..\common\pulseaudio\*"; DestDir: "{app}\pulseaudio"; Excludes: ".*sync"; Flags: recursesubdirs; Check: SoundCheck() Source: "..\launcher\xfce\*"; DestDir: "{app}\Launcher"; Excludes: ".*sync,menu.txt"; Check: LauncherCheck() Source: "..\launcher\xfce\menu.txt"; DestDir: "{app}\Launcher"; Flags: uninsneveruninstall; Check: LauncherCheck() [Tasks] ; desktop icons Name: "di_startup"; Description: "andLinux start script"; GroupDescription: "Create a Desktop Icon for:"; Flags: checkedonce; Check: NTServiceCheck(False) Name: "di_fltk"; Description: "CoLinux Console (FLTK)"; GroupDescription: "Create a Desktop Icon for:"; Flags: checkedonce Name: "di_nt"; Description: "CoLinux Console (NT)"; GroupDescription: "Create a Desktop Icon for:"; Flags: checkedonce ; quick launch icons Name: "ql_startup"; Description: "andLinux start script"; GroupDescription: "Create Quick Launch Icon for:"; Flags: unchecked; Check: NTServiceCheck(False) Name: "ql_fltk"; Description: "CoLinux Console (FLTK)"; GroupDescription: "Create Quick Launch Icon for:"; Flags: unchecked Name: "ql_nt"; Description: "CoLinux Console (NT)"; GroupDescription: "Create Quick Launch Icon for:"; Flags: unchecked Name: "ql_terminal"; Description: "XFCE Terminal"; GroupDescription: "Create Quick Launch Icon for:"; Flags: checkedonce; Check: LauncherCheck() Name: "ql_thunar"; Description: "XFCE File Manager"; GroupDescription: "Create Quick Launch Icon for:"; Flags: checkedonce; Check: LauncherCheck() ; Windows Explorer shell extensions Name: "se_terminal"; Description: "Open in XFCE Terminal (folders menu)"; GroupDescription: "Add to Windows Explorer Context Menu:"; Flags: checkedonce; Check: LauncherCheck() Name: "se_thunar"; Description: "Open in XFCE File Manager (folders menu)"; GroupDescription: "Add to Windows Explorer Context Menu:"; Flags: checkedonce; Check: LauncherCheck() Name: "se_mousepad"; Description: "Open with XFCE Text Editor (files menu)"; GroupDescription: "Add to Windows Explorer Context Menu:"; Flags: checkedonce; Check: LauncherCheck() [Icons] ; batch file case Name: "{group}\Start andLinux"; Filename: "{app}\startup.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; IconFilename: "{app}\colinux-daemon.exe"; Check: NTServiceCheck(False) Name: "{userdesktop}\Start andLinux"; Filename: "{app}\startup.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; IconFilename: "{app}\colinux-daemon.exe"; Tasks: di_startup; Check: NTServiceCheck(False) Name: "{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Start andLinux"; Filename: "{app}\startup.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; IconFilename: "{app}\colinux-daemon.exe"; Tasks: ql_startup; Check: NTServiceCheck(False) ; NT service case Name: "{group}\Start andLinux"; Filename: "{app}\srvstart.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; IconFilename: "{app}\colinux-daemon.exe"; Check: NTServiceCheck(True) Name: "{group}\Stop andLinux"; Filename: "{app}\srvstop.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; IconFilename: "{app}\colinux-daemon.exe"; Check: NTServiceCheck(True) ; NT service (manually) case Name: "{userdesktop}\Start andLinux"; Filename: "{app}\srvstart.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; IconFilename: "{app}\colinux-daemon.exe"; Tasks: di_startup; Check: NTServiceNoAutoCheck() Name: "{userdesktop}\Stop andLinux"; Filename: "{app}\srvstop.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; IconFilename: "{app}\colinux-daemon.exe"; Tasks: di_startup; Check: NTServiceNoAutoCheck() Name: "{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Start andLinux"; Filename: "{app}\srvstart.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; IconFilename: "{app}\colinux-daemon.exe"; Tasks: ql_startup; Check: NTServiceNoAutoCheck() Name: "{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Stop andLinux"; Filename: "{app}\srvstop.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; IconFilename: "{app}\colinux-daemon.exe"; Tasks: ql_startup; Check: NTServiceNoAutoCheck() ; Xming Name: "{group}\Autostart\Xming"; Filename: "{app}\Xming\Xming.exe"; Parameters: ":0{code:XmingScreenParam} -dpi 85 -clipboard -notrayicon -c -multiwindow -reset -terminate -unixkill -logfile Xming.log"; WorkingDir: "{app}\Xming"; Check: XmingCheck() ; PulseAudio Name: "{group}\Autostart\PulseAudio"; Filename: "{app}\pulseaudio\pulseaudio.exe"; Parameters: "-D"; WorkingDir: "{app}\pulseaudio"; Check: SoundCheck() ; FLTK + NT console Name: "{group}\andLinux Console (FLTK)"; Filename: "{app}\colinux-console-fltk.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}" Name: "{userdesktop}\andLinux Console (FLTK)"; Filename: "{app}\colinux-console-fltk.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Tasks: di_fltk Name: "{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\andLinux Console (FLTK)"; Filename: "{app}\colinux-console-fltk.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Tasks: ql_fltk Name: "{group}\andLinux Console (NT)"; Filename: "{app}\colinux-console-nt.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}" Name: "{userdesktop}\andLinux Console (NT)"; Filename: "{app}\colinux-console-nt.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Tasks: di_nt Name: "{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\andLinux Console (NT)"; Filename: "{app}\colinux-console-nt.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Tasks: ql_nt ; launcher Name: "{group}\Autostart\XFCE Menu"; Filename: "{app}\Launcher\menu.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}\Launcher"; Check: LauncherCheck() Name: "{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Terminal"; Filename: "{app}\Launcher\andTerminal.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}\Launcher"; Tasks: ql_terminal; Check: LauncherCheck() Name: "{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Thunar"; Filename: "{app}\Launcher\andThunar.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}\Launcher"; Tasks: ql_thunar; Check: LauncherCheck() [Registry] ; enable WinXP SP2 compatibility + admin mode in Windows Vista Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "{app}\colinux-daemon.exe"; ValueData: "WINXPSP2"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; MinVersion: 0,6.0 ; not necessarily required for these apps Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "{app}\colinux-net-daemon.exe"; ValueData: "WINXPSP2"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; MinVersion: 0,6.0 Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "{app}\colinux-slirp-net-daemon.exe"; ValueData: "WINXPSP2"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; MinVersion: 0,6.0 Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "{app}\pulseaudio\pulseaudio.exe"; ValueData: "WINXPSP2"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; MinVersion: 0,6.0 Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "{app}\Xming\Xming.exe"; ValueData: "WINXPSP2"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; MinVersion: 0,6.0 ; Xming Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "Xming (andLinux)"; ValueData: """{app}\Xming\Xming.exe"" :0{code:XmingScreenParam} -dpi 85 -clipboard -notrayicon -c -multiwindow -reset -terminate -unixkill -logfile ""{app}\Xming\Xming.log"""; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Check: XmingCheck() ; PulseAudio Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "PulseAudio (andLinux)"; ValueData: """{app}\pulseaudio\pulseaudio.exe"" -D"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Check: SoundCheck() ; launcher Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "XFCE Menu (andLinux)"; ValueData: """{app}\Launcher\menu.exe"""; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Check: LauncherCheck() ; Terminal context menu Root: HKCR; Subkey: "Folder\shell\andTerminal"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "Terminal (andLinux)"; Tasks: se_terminal; Flags: uninsdeletekey; Check: LauncherCheck() Root: HKCR; Subkey: "Folder\shell\andTerminal\command"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: """{app}\Launcher\andTerminal.exe"" --working-directory ""%1"""; Tasks: se_terminal; Check: LauncherCheck() ; Thunar context menu Root: HKCR; Subkey: "Folder\shell\andThunar"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "Thunar (andLinux)"; Tasks: se_thunar; Flags: uninsdeletekey; Check: LauncherCheck() Root: HKCR; Subkey: "Folder\shell\andThunar\command"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: """{app}\Launcher\andThunar.exe"" ""%1"""; Tasks: se_thunar; Check: LauncherCheck() ; Mousepad context menu Root: HKCR; Subkey: "*\shell\andMousepad"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "Mousepad (andLinux)"; Tasks: se_mousepad; Flags: uninsdeletekey; Check: LauncherCheck() Root: HKCR; Subkey: "*\shell\andMousepad\command"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: """{app}\Launcher\andMousepad.exe"" ""%1"""; Tasks: se_mousepad; Check: LauncherCheck() ; Turn System-Restore off for andLinux drives Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\BackupRestore\FilesNotToBackup"; ValueType: multisz; ValueName: "andLinux"; ValueData: "{app}\Drives\* /s"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue [Run] ; install andLinux driver Filename: "{app}\colinux-daemon.exe"; Parameters: "--install-driver"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; BeforeInstall: CreateConfigs() ; install TAP network device (before installing service!) Filename: "{app}\netdriver\tapcontrol.exe"; Parameters: "install OemWin2k.inf tap0801co"; WorkingDir: "{app}\netdriver"; AfterInstall: ConfigureWinTap() ; install NT service (if applicable) Filename: "{app}\colinux-daemon.exe"; Parameters: "--install-service andLinux @{code:GetShortName|{app}}\settings.txt"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Check: NTServiceCheck(True) Filename: "{sys}\sc.exe"; Parameters: "config andLinux start= auto"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Check: NTServiceAutoCheck() Filename: "{sys}\sc.exe"; Parameters: "config andLinux depend= ""CoLinuxDriver/lanmanserver"""; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Check: NTServiceSambaCheck() [UninstallRun] ; first remove NT service (if applicable) Filename: "{sys}\net.exe"; Parameters: "stop andLinux"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Check: NTServiceCheck(True) Filename: "{app}\colinux-daemon.exe"; Parameters: "--remove-service andLinux"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Check: NTServiceCheck(True) ; remove TAP network device Filename: "{app}\netdriver\tapcontrol.exe"; Parameters: "remove tap0801co"; WorkingDir: "{app}\netdriver" ; remove andLinux driver Filename: "{app}\colinux-daemon.exe"; Parameters: "--remove-driver"; WorkingDir: "{app}" [Code] var MemoryPage, SoundPage, MountPage, ServicePage, KernelPage: TInputOptionWizardPage; COFSPage: TInputDirWizardPage; LoginPage: TInputQueryWizardPage; SambaPage, XmingPage: TWizardPage; SambaShareLabel, SambaPathLabel, SambaUserLabel, SambaPasswordLabel, SambaRepeatLabel, XmingInstallLabel, XmingResLabel, XmingResXLabel, XmingResYLabel: TNewStaticText; SambaComboBox: TNewComboBox; SambaRefreshButton: TNewButton; SambaUserEdit, XmingResXEdit, XmingResYEdit: TNewEdit; SambaPasswordEdit, SambaRepeatEdit: TPasswordEdit; XmingInstallYRadio, XmingInstallNRadio, XmingResYRadio, XmingResNRadio: TNewRadioButton; SambaShareName, SambaSharePath: String; function GrepArgFromCmdLine(arg, fallback: String): String; var cmd: String; p1, p2, p3: Integer; begin cmd := GetCmdTail(); p1 := Pos('/'+arg+'=', cmd); if (p1 = 0) then Result := fallback else begin p2 := p1 + Length(arg) + 2; for p3 := p2+1 to Length(cmd) do if (cmd[p3] = '/') then break; p3 := p3 - 1; while (cmd[p3] = ' ') do p3 := p3 - 1; Result := Copy(cmd, p2, p3-p2+1); end end; function GrepArgFromCmdLineAsInt(arg: String; fallback: Integer): Integer; begin Result := StrToIntDef(GrepArgFromCmdLine(arg, IntToStr(fallback)), fallback); end; function GrepPathFromRegMultiString(RegValue: String): String; var s: String; i: Integer; begin Result := ''; // ensure result is empty if not found s := ''; for i := 1 to Length(RegValue) do begin if RegValue[i] = #0 then begin if Length(s) > 5 then if (s[1] = 'P') and (s[2] = 'a') and (s[3] = 't') and (s[4] = 'h') and (s[5] = '=') then begin Delete(s, 1, 5); Result := s; end s := ''; end else s := s + RegValue[i]; end if Length(s) > 5 then if (s[1] = 'P') and (s[2] = 'a') and (s[3] = 't') and (s[4] = 'h') and (s[5] = '=') then begin Delete(s, 1, 5); Result := s; end end; function CheckShareType(RegValue: String): Boolean; var s: String; i: Integer; begin s := ''; for i := 1 to Length(RegValue) do begin if RegValue[i] = #0 then begin if Length(s) > 5 then if (s[1] = 'T') and (s[2] = 'y') and (s[3] = 'p') and (s[4] = 'e') and (s[5] = '=') then Result := (s[6] = '0'); s := ''; end else s := s + RegValue[i]; end if Length(s) > 5 then if (s[1] = 'T') and (s[2] = 'y') and (s[3] = 'p') and (s[4] = 'e') and (s[5] = '=') then Result := (s[6] = '0'); end; procedure SambaComboBoxChange(); var s: String; begin if SambaComboBox.ItemIndex < 0 then SambaPathLabel.Caption := 'Associated path: n/a' else begin SambaShareName := SambaComboBox.Items[SambaComboBox.ItemIndex]; if RegQueryMultiStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\Shares\', SambaShareName, s) then SambaPathLabel.Caption := 'Associated path: ' + GrepPathFromRegMultiString(s) else SambaPathLabel.Caption := 'Associated path: [error]'; end end; procedure SambaComboBoxChangeWrapper(Sender: TObject); begin SambaComboBoxChange(); end; procedure SambaComboBoxRefresh(); var i: Integer; s: String; values: TArrayOfString; begin SambaComboBox.Items.Clear(); if RegGetValueNames(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\Shares\', values) then begin for i := 0 to GetArrayLength(values)-1 do if RegQueryMultiStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\Shares\', values[i], s) and CheckShareType(s) then SambaComboBox.Items.Add(values[i]); end else MsgBox('Could not query shared folder / drive names!', mbCriticalError, MB_OK); i := SambaComboBox.Items.IndexOf(SambaShareName); if i < 0 then SambaComboBox.ItemIndex := 0 else SambaComboBox.ItemIndex := i; SambaComboBoxChange(); end; procedure SambaComboBoxRefreshWrapper(Sender: TObject); begin SambaComboBoxRefresh(); end; procedure XmingInstallYCheck(Sender: TObject); begin XmingResLabel.Enabled := True; XmingResYRadio.Enabled := True; XmingResNRadio.Enabled := True; XmingResXLabel.Enabled := XmingResYRadio.Checked; XmingResXEdit.Enabled := XmingResYRadio.Checked; XmingResYLabel.Enabled := XmingResYRadio.Checked; XmingResYEdit.Enabled := XmingResYRadio.Checked; end; procedure XmingInstallNCheck(Sender: TObject); begin XmingResLabel.Enabled := False; XmingResYRadio.Enabled := False; XmingResNRadio.Enabled := False; XmingResXLabel.Enabled := False; XmingResXEdit.Enabled := False; XmingResYLabel.Enabled := False; XmingResYEdit.Enabled := False; end; procedure XmingResYCheck(Sender: TObject); begin XmingResXLabel.Enabled := True; XmingResXEdit.Enabled := True; XmingResYLabel.Enabled := True; XmingResYEdit.Enabled := True; end; procedure XmingResNCheck(Sender: TObject); begin XmingResXLabel.Enabled := False; XmingResXEdit.Enabled := False; XmingResYLabel.Enabled := False; XmingResYEdit.Enabled := False; end; procedure InitializeWizard(); var Panel: TPanel; begin KernelPage := CreateInputOptionPage(wpSelectDir, 'andLinux Configuration', 'Kernal', 'Which coLinux kernel do you want to use?', True, False); KernelPage.Add('0.7.4 (stable, recommended)'); KernelPage.Add('0.8.0 (development snapshot)'); KernelPage.SelectedValueIndex := GrepArgFromCmdLineAsInt('stable', 0); // preselect 'stable' MemoryPage := CreateInputOptionPage(KernelPage.ID, 'andLinux Configuration', 'Memory Size', 'Please select how much system memory you want to use for andLinux. Pay attention to have enough memory left over for Windows.', True, False); MemoryPage.Add('128 MB (not recommended)'); MemoryPage.Add('192 MB'); MemoryPage.Add('256 MB'); MemoryPage.Add('384 MB'); MemoryPage.Add('512 MB'); MemoryPage.Add('768 MB'); MemoryPage.Add('1 GB'); MemoryPage.SelectedValueIndex := GrepArgFromCmdLineAsInt('mem', 1); // preselect '192 MB' XmingPage := CreateCustomPage(MemoryPage.ID, 'andLinux Configuration', 'X Server'); XmingInstallLabel := TNewStaticText.Create(XmingPage); XmingInstallLabel.Width := XmingPage.SurfaceWidth; XmingInstallLabel.Parent := XmingPage.Surface; XmingInstallLabel.Caption := 'Do you want to install Xming?'; XmingInstallYRadio := TNewRadioButton.Create(XmingPage); XmingInstallYRadio.Top := XmingInstallLabel.Top + XmingInstallLabel.Height + ScaleY(4); XmingInstallYRadio.Width := XmingPage.SurfaceWidth; XmingInstallYRadio.Parent := XmingPage.Surface; XmingInstallYRadio.Caption := 'yes (recommended)'; XmingInstallYRadio.Checked := (GrepArgFromCmdLineAsInt('xming', 0) = 0); // preselect 'yes' XmingInstallYRadio.OnClick := @XmingInstallYCheck; XmingInstallNRadio := TNewRadioButton.Create(XmingPage); XmingInstallNRadio.Top := XmingInstallYRadio.Top + XmingInstallYRadio.Height + ScaleY(4); XmingInstallNRadio.Width := XmingPage.SurfaceWidth; XmingInstallNRadio.Parent := XmingPage.Surface; XmingInstallNRadio.Caption := 'no (requires manual installation of another X Server)'; XmingInstallNRadio.Checked := not XmingInstallYRadio.Checked; XmingInstallNRadio.OnClick := @XmingInstallNCheck; XmingResLabel := TNewStaticText.Create(XmingPage); XmingResLabel.Top := XmingInstallNRadio.Top + XmingInstallNRadio.Height + ScaleY(12); XmingResLabel.Width := XmingPage.SurfaceWidth; XmingResLabel.Parent := XmingPage.Surface; XmingResLabel.Caption := 'Do you wish to specify a different resolution than your primary screen?'; Panel := TPanel.Create(XmingPage); Panel.Top := XmingResLabel.Top + XmingResLabel.Height + ScaleY(4); Panel.Width := XmingPage.SurfaceWidth; Panel.Parent := XmingPage.Surface; Panel.BevelInner := bvNone; Panel.BevelOuter := bvNone; Panel.BorderStyle := bsNone; XmingResNRadio := TNewRadioButton.Create(XmingPage); XmingResNRadio.Width := Panel.Width; XmingResNRadio.Parent := Panel; XmingResNRadio.Caption := 'no, I just use my primary screen'; XmingResNRadio.Checked := (GrepArgFromCmdLineAsInt('xming_res', 0) = 0); // preselect 'no' XmingResNRadio.OnClick := @XmingResNCheck; XmingResYRadio := TNewRadioButton.Create(XmingPage); XmingResYRadio.Top := XmingResNRadio.Top + XmingResNRadio.Height + ScaleY(4); XmingResYRadio.Width := Panel.Width; XmingResYRadio.Parent := Panel; XmingResYRadio.Caption := 'yes (e.g. if external monitor has a bigger resolution than the laptop display)'; XmingResYRadio.Checked := not XmingResNRadio.Checked; XmingResYRadio.OnClick := @XmingResYCheck; Panel.Height := XmingResNRadio.Height + ScaleY(4) + XmingResYRadio.Height; XmingResXLabel := TNewStaticText.Create(XmingPage); XmingResXLabel.Top := Panel.Top + Panel.Height + ScaleY(8); XmingResXLabel.Left := ScaleX(16); XmingResXLabel.AutoSize := True; XmingResXLabel.Parent := XmingPage.Surface; XmingResXLabel.Caption := 'Width:'; XmingResXLabel.Enabled := False; XmingResXEdit := TNewEdit.Create(XmingPage); XmingResXEdit.Top := XmingResXLabel.Top - ScaleY(3); XmingResXEdit.Left := XmingResXLabel.Left + XmingResXLabel.Width + ScaleX(4); XmingResXEdit.Width := ScaleX(80); XmingResXEdit.Parent := XmingPage.Surface; XmingResXEdit.Text := GrepArgFromCmdLine('xming_resx', ''); XmingResXEdit.Enabled := False; XmingResYLabel := TNewStaticText.Create(XmingPage); XmingResYLabel.Top := XmingResXLabel.Top; XmingResYLabel.Left := XmingResXEdit.Left + XmingResXEdit.Width + ScaleX(20); XmingResXLabel.AutoSize := True; XmingResYLabel.Parent := XmingPage.Surface; XmingResYLabel.Caption := 'Height:'; XmingResYLabel.Enabled := False; XmingResYEdit := TNewEdit.Create(XmingPage); XmingResYEdit.Top := XmingResXLabel.Top - ScaleY(3); XmingResYEdit.Left := XmingResYLabel.Left + XmingResYLabel.Width + ScaleX(4); XmingResYEdit.Width := ScaleX(80); XmingResYEdit.Parent := XmingPage.Surface; XmingResYEdit.Text := GrepArgFromCmdLine('xming_resy', ''); XmingResYEdit.Enabled := False; SoundPage := CreateInputOptionPage(XmingPage.ID, 'andLinux Configuration', 'Sound', 'Do you want to enable sound for andLinux?', True, False); SoundPage.Add('yes'); SoundPage.Add('no'); SoundPage.SelectedValueIndex := GrepArgFromCmdLineAsInt('sound', 0); // preselect 'yes' ServicePage := CreateInputOptionPage(SoundPage.ID, 'andLinux Configuration', 'Startup Type + Panel', 'How do you want to start andLinux and launch applications?', True, False); ServicePage.Add('start andLinux manually in a command prompt + use XFCE Panel'); ServicePage.Add('start andLinux manually in a command prompt + use Windows shortcuts'); ServicePage.Add('run andLinux manually as a NT service + use XFCE Panel'); ServicePage.Add('run andLinux manually as a NT service + use Windows shortcuts'); ServicePage.Add('run andLinux automatically as a NT service + use Windows shortcuts'); ServicePage.SelectedValueIndex := GrepArgFromCmdLineAsInt('startup', 4); // preselect NT service auto startup LoginPage := CreateInputQueryPage(ServicePage.ID, 'andLinux Configuration', 'andLinux Login', 'Please choose a username and password for andLinux.'); LoginPage.Add('Username:', False); LoginPage.Add('Password:', True); LoginPage.Add('Repeat password:', True); LoginPage.Values[0] := GrepArgFromCmdLine('user', ''); LoginPage.Values[1] := GrepArgFromCmdLine('passwd', ''); LoginPage.Values[2] := LoginPage.Values[1]; MountPage := CreateInputOptionPage(LoginPage.ID, 'andLinux Configuration', 'Windows File Access', 'How do you want to access your Windows file system from andLinux?', True, False); MountPage.Add('I don''t want to access any files on my Windows partition.'); MountPage.Add('using CoFS'); MountPage.Add('using Samba (recommended, works with special characters in file names)'); MountPage.SelectedValueIndex := GrepArgFromCmdLineAsInt('mount', 2); // preselect Samba CoFSPage := CreateInputDirPage(MountPage.ID, 'andLinux Configuration', 'File Access Using CoFS', 'Please select the folder to mount via CoFS.', False, ''); CoFSPage.Add('All files below this folder can be accessed from andLinux:'); CoFSPage.Values[0] := GrepArgFromCmdLine('cofs', 'C:\'); SambaPage := CreateCustomPage(MountPage.ID, 'andLinux Configuration', 'File Access Using Samba'); SambaShareLabel := TNewStaticText.Create(SambaPage); SambaShareLabel.AutoSize := True; SambaShareLabel.Parent := SambaPage.Surface; SambaShareLabel.Caption := 'Shared folders / drives:'; SambaComboBox := TNewComboBox.Create(SambaPage); SambaComboBox.Top := SambaShareLabel.Top + SambaShareLabel.Height + ScaleY(4); SambaComboBox.Width := SambaPage.SurfaceWidth - ScaleX(83); SambaComboBox.Parent := SambaPage.Surface; SambaComboBox.Style := csDropDownList; SambaComboBox.OnChange := @SambaComboBoxChangeWrapper; SambaRefreshButton := TNewButton.Create(SambaPage); SambaRefreshButton.Top := SambaComboBox.Top - ScaleY(2); SambaRefreshButton.Left := SambaPage.SurfaceWidth - ScaleX(75); SambaRefreshButton.Width := ScaleX(75); SambaRefreshButton.Parent := SambaPage.Surface; SambaRefreshButton.Caption := 'Refresh'; SambaRefreshButton.OnClick := @SambaComboBoxRefreshWrapper; SambaPathLabel := TNewStaticText.Create(SambaPage); SambaPathLabel.Top := SambaComboBox.Top + SambaComboBox.Height + ScaleY(4); SambaPathLabel.Width := SambaPage.SurfaceWidth; SambaPathLabel.Parent := SambaPage.Surface; SambaShareName := GrepArgFromCmdLine('smb_share', ''); SambaComboBoxRefresh(); SambaUserLabel := TNewStaticText.Create(SambaPage); SambaUserLabel.Top := SambaPathLabel.Top + SambaPathLabel.Height + ScaleY(20); SambaUserLabel.AutoSize := True; SambaUserLabel.Parent := SambaPage.Surface; SambaUserLabel.Caption := 'User name to access this share:'; SambaUserEdit := TNewEdit.Create(SambaPage); SambaUserEdit.Top := SambaUserLabel.Top + SambaUserLabel.Height + ScaleY(4); SambaUserEdit.Width := SambaPage.SurfaceWidth; SambaUserEdit.Parent := SambaPage.Surface; SambaUserEdit.Text := GrepArgFromCmdLine('smb_user', GetUserNameString()); SambaPasswordLabel := TNewStaticText.Create(SambaPage); SambaPasswordLabel.Top := SambaUserEdit.Top + SambaUserEdit.Height + ScaleY(12); SambaPasswordLabel.AutoSize := True; SambaPasswordLabel.Parent := SambaPage.Surface; SambaPasswordLabel.Caption := 'Password of that user:'; SambaPasswordEdit := TPasswordEdit.Create(SambaPage); SambaPasswordEdit.Top := SambaPasswordLabel.Top + SambaPasswordLabel.Height + ScaleY(4); SambaPasswordEdit.Width := SambaPage.SurfaceWidth; SambaPasswordEdit.Parent := SambaPage.Surface; SambaPasswordEdit.Text := GrepArgFromCmdLine('smb_passwd', ''); SambaRepeatLabel := TNewStaticText.Create(SambaPage); SambaRepeatLabel.Top := SambaPasswordEdit.Top + SambaPasswordEdit.Height + ScaleY(12); SambaRepeatLabel.AutoSize := True; SambaRepeatLabel.Parent := SambaPage.Surface; SambaRepeatLabel.Caption := 'Repeat the password:'; SambaRepeatEdit := TPasswordEdit.Create(SambaPage); SambaRepeatEdit.Top := SambaRepeatLabel.Top + SambaRepeatLabel.Height + ScaleY(4); SambaRepeatEdit.Width := SambaPage.SurfaceWidth; SambaRepeatEdit.Parent := SambaPage.Surface; SambaRepeatEdit.Text := SambaPasswordEdit.Text; end; function NTServiceCheck(enabled: Boolean): Boolean; begin if (ServicePage.SelectedValueIndex = 0) or (ServicePage.SelectedValueIndex = 1) then Result := not enabled else Result := enabled; end; function NTServiceAutoCheck(): Boolean; begin if ServicePage.SelectedValueIndex = 4 then Result := True else Result := False; end; function NTServiceNoAutoCheck(): Boolean; begin if (ServicePage.SelectedValueIndex = 2) or (ServicePage.SelectedValueIndex = 3) then Result := True else Result := False; end; function NTServiceSambaCheck(): Boolean; begin if (ServicePage.SelectedValueIndex = 0) or (ServicePage.SelectedValueIndex = 1) or (MountPage.SelectedValueIndex <> 2) then Result := False else Result := True; end; function LauncherCheck(): Boolean; begin if (ServicePage.SelectedValueIndex = 0) or (ServicePage.SelectedValueIndex = 2) then Result := False else Result := True; end; function StableKernelCheck(stable: Boolean): Boolean; begin if KernelPage.SelectedValueIndex = 0 then Result := stable else Result := not stable; end; function SoundCheck(): Boolean; begin if SoundPage.SelectedValueIndex = 0 then Result := True else Result := False; end; function XmingCheck(): Boolean; begin Result := XmingInstallYRadio.Checked; end; function XmingScreenParam(Param: String): String; begin if XmingInstallYRadio.Checked and XmingResYRadio.Checked then Result := ' -screen 0 ' + IntToStr(StrToIntDef(XmingResXEdit.Text, 800)) + ' ' + IntToStr(StrToIntDef(XmingResYEdit.Text, 600)) else Result := ''; end; function ShouldSkipPage(PageID: Integer): Boolean; begin if (PageID = CoFSPage.ID) and (MountPage.SelectedValueIndex <> 1) then Result := True else if (PageID = SambaPage.ID) and (MountPage.SelectedValueIndex <> 2) then Result := True else Result := False; end; function NextButtonClick(CurPage: Integer): Boolean; var s: String; i: Integer; c: Byte; subkeys: TArrayOfString; begin Result := True; if CurPage = wpWelcome then begin if RegGetSubkeyNames(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}', subkeys) then begin for i := 0 to GetArrayLength(subkeys)-1 do begin if RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\' + subkeys[i], 'ComponentId', s) then begin if CompareText(s, 'tap0801co') = 0 then begin Result := (MsgBox('Warning: There is already a TAP-Win32 V8 network adapter installed on your system - or has not been cleanly uninstalled.' + #10 + '(In case you have just uninstalled andLinux: did you do the required Windows restart?)' + #10 + 'If you continue with this setup, andLinux may not work or may destroy your existing TAP-Win32 V8 network adapter. If you' + #10 + 'are sure that this only is a remainder of an unclean uninstallation, you may try to continue; however, a successful installation' + #10 + 'of andLinux cannot be guaranteed. Do yo wish to continue now?', mbError, MB_YESNO) = IDYES); break; end end end end if Result and RegKeyExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CoLinuxDriver') then Result := (MsgBox('Warning: There is already a coLinux driver installed on your system - or has not been cleanly uninstalled.' + #10 + '(In case you have just uninstalled andLinux: did you do the required Windows restart?)' + #10 + 'If you continue with this setup, andLinux may not work or may destroy your existing coLinux driver. If you' + #10 + 'are sure that this only is a remainder of an unclean uninstallation, you may try to continue; however, a' + #10 + 'successful installation of andLinux cannot be guaranteed. Do yo wish to continue now?', mbError, MB_YESNO) = IDYES); if Result and RegKeyExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\andLinux') then Result := (MsgBox('Warning: There is already an andLinux NT service installed on your system - or has not been cleanly uninstalled.' + #10 + '(In case you have just uninstalled andLinux: did you do the required Windows restart?)' + #10 + 'If you continue with this setup, andLinux may not work. If you are sure that this only is a remainder of an unclean' + #10 + 'uninstallation, you may try to continue; however, a successful installation of andLinux cannot be guaranteed.' + #10 + 'Do yo wish to continue now?', mbError, MB_YESNO) = IDYES); end else if CurPage = XmingPage.ID then begin Result := True if XmingInstallYRadio.Checked then begin if XmingResYRadio.Checked then begin if StrToIntDef(XmingResXEdit.Text, 0) < 800 then begin MsgBox('The Xming screen width is no valid number (minimum value: 800)!', mbError, MB_OK); Result := False; end else if StrToIntDef(XmingResYEdit.Text, 0) < 600 then begin MsgBox('The Xming screen height is no valid number (minimum value: 600)!', mbError, MB_OK); Result := False; end end end else MsgBox('Note that andLinux will not work until you install and configure your own X Server!', mbInformation, MB_OK); end else if CurPage = LoginPage.ID then begin if LoginPage.Values[1] <> LoginPage.Values[2] then begin MsgBox('The two passwords entered don''t match.', mbError, MB_OK); Result := False; end else if Length(LoginPage.Values[0]) = 0 then begin MsgBox('The username must not be empty.', mbError, MB_OK); Result := False; end else if LoginPage.Values[0] = 'root' then begin MsgBox('The username must not be ''root''.', mbError, MB_OK); Result := False; end else if Length(LoginPage.Values[1]) = 0 then begin MsgBox('The password must not be empty.', mbError, MB_OK); Result := False; end else begin for i := 1 to Length(LoginPage.Values[0]) do begin c := Ord(LoginPage.Values[0][i]); if ((c < Ord('A')) or (c > Ord('Z'))) and ((c < Ord('a')) or (c > Ord('z'))) then Result := False; end if Result = False then begin MsgBox('Please choose another username that does not contain other characters than: a...z, A...Z', mbError, MB_OK) Result := False; end end end else if CurPage = CoFSPage.ID then begin if not DirExists(CoFSPage.Values[0]) then begin MsgBox('You must enter a valid drive or directory name.', mbError, MB_OK); Result := False; end end else if CurPage = SambaPage.ID then begin if SambaPasswordEdit.Text <> SambaRepeatEdit.Text then begin MsgBox('The two passwords entered don''t match.', mbError, MB_OK); Result := False; end else if Length(SambaUserEdit.Text) = 0 then begin MsgBox('The Samba username must not be empty.', mbError, MB_OK); Result := False; end else if Length(SambaPasswordEdit.Text) = 0 then begin MsgBox('The Samba password must not be empty. In case this Windows user doesn''t have a password,' + #10 + 'please either set a password or create another user with a password.', mbError, MB_OK); Result := False; end else begin for i := 1 to Length(SambaShareName) do begin c := Ord(SambaShareName[i]); if ((c < Ord('A')) or (c > Ord('Z'))) and ((c < Ord('a')) or (c > Ord('z'))) and ((c < Ord('0')) or (c > Ord('9'))) and (c <> Ord('-')) and (c <> Ord('_')) then Result := False; end if Result = False then MsgBox('Please choose another share name because andLinux cannot access a share if its name contains spaces or other characters than: a...z, A...Z, 0...9, -, _', mbError, MB_OK) else begin if RegQueryMultiStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\Shares\', SambaShareName, s) then begin SambaSharePath := GrepPathFromRegMultiString(s); if Length(SambaSharePath) = 0 then begin MsgBox('There is no path associated with this shared folder / drive!', mbError, MB_OK); Result := False; end end else begin MsgBox('Invalid shared folder / drive selected!', mbError, MB_OK); Result := False; end end end end end; procedure CreateConfigs(); var settings: TStringList; begin // settings.txt must exist bevor [Run] section is processed and can't be created until the app dir exists settings := TStringList.Create; case MemoryPage.SelectedValueIndex of 0: settings.Append('mem=128'); 1: settings.Append('mem=192'); 2: settings.Append('mem=256'); 3: settings.Append('mem=384'); 4: settings.Append('mem=512'); 5: settings.Append('mem=768'); 6: settings.Append('mem=1024'); end settings.Append('root=/dev/cobd0'); settings.Append('kernel=vmlinux'); settings.Append('cobd0=Drives\base.vdi'); settings.Append('cobd1=Drives\swap.vdi'); settings.Append('cofs31=.'); settings.Append('eth0=slirp'); settings.Append('eth1=tuntap,"TAP-Colinux",00:11:22:33:44:55'); if MountPage.SelectedValueIndex = 1 then settings.Append('cofs0=' + GetShortName(CoFSPage.Values[0])); if FileExists(AddBackslash(WizardDirValue()) + 'settings.txt') then RenameFile(AddBackslash(WizardDirValue()) + 'settings.txt', AddBackslash(WizardDirValue()) + 'settings.old'); settings.SaveToFile(AddBackslash(WizardDirValue()) + 'settings.txt'); settings.Clear; if MountPage.SelectedValueIndex = 1 then begin settings.Append('mounttype=cofs'); settings.Append('mountpath=' + AddBackslash(CoFSPage.Values[0])); end else if MountPage.SelectedValueIndex = 2 then begin settings.Append('mounttype=samba'); settings.Append('mountpath=' + SambaSharePath); settings.Append('mountshare=' + SambaShareName); settings.Append('mountuser=' + SambaUserEdit.Text); settings.Append('mountpassword=' + SambaPasswordEdit.Text); end if (ServicePage.SelectedValueIndex = 0) or (ServicePage.SelectedValueIndex = 2) then settings.Append('launcher=no') else settings.Append('launcher=yes'); settings.Append('login=' + LoginPage.Values[0]); settings.Append('passwd=' + LoginPage.Values[1]); settings.SaveToFile(AddBackslash(WizardDirValue()) + 'firstboot.txt'); settings.Free; if not SaveStringToFile(AddBackslash(WizardDirValue()) + 'pulseaudio\daemon.conf', 'dl-search-path=' + AddBackslash(WizardDirValue()) + 'pulseaudio\', True) then MsgBox('Warning: PulseAudio could not be properly configured!', mbError, MB_OK); end; procedure ConfigureWinTap(); var i, r: Integer; s: String; subkeys: TArrayOfString; begin r := -1; // not found if RegGetSubkeyNames(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}', subkeys) then begin for i := 0 to GetArrayLength(subkeys)-1 do begin if RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\' + subkeys[i], 'ComponentId', s) then begin if CompareText(s, 'tap0801co') = 0 then begin if RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\' + subkeys[i], 'NetCfgInstanceId', s) then begin if RegWriteStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\' + s + '\Connection', 'Name', 'TAP-Colinux') then begin if RegWriteDWordValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\' + s + '\Parameters\Tcpip', 'EnableDHCP', 0) and RegWriteMultiStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\' + s + '\Parameters\Tcpip', 'IPAddress', '') and RegWriteMultiStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\' + s + '\Parameters\Tcpip', 'SubnetMask', '') then begin if RegWriteDWordValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\' + s, 'AddressType', 1) and RegWriteDWordValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\' + s, 'EnableDHCP', 0) and RegWriteMultiStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\' + s, 'IPAddress', '') and RegWriteMultiStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\' + s, 'SubnetMask', '') then r := 0 // found + configured else r := 5; end else r := 4; end else r := 3; end else r := 2; end end end end else r := 1; if r <> 0 then MsgBox('Warning: the Tap-Colinux network adapter could not be properly configured (error code: ' + IntToStr(r) + ')', mbError, MB_OK); end; function UpdateReadyMemo(Space, NewLine, MemoUserInfo, MemoDirInfo, MemoTypeInfo, MemoComponentsInfo, MemoGroupInfo, MemoTasksInfo: String): String; var s: String; begin s := MemoDirInfo + NewLine + NewLine; if KernelPage.SelectedValueIndex = 0 then s := s + 'Kernel: 0.7.4 (stable)' + NewLine + NewLine else s := s + 'Kernel: 0.8.0 (development snapshot)' + NewLine + NewLine; s := s + 'Memory Size: '; case MemoryPage.SelectedValueIndex of 0: s := s + '128 MB (not recommended)'; 1: s := s + '192 MB'; 2: s := s + '256 MB'; 3: s := s + '384 MB'; 4: s := s + '512 MB'; 5: s := s + '768 MB'; 6: s := s + '1 GB'; end s := s + NewLine + NewLine; if XmingInstallYRadio.Checked then s := s + 'Xming will be installed' + NewLine + NewLine else s := s + 'Manual installation + configuration of your own X Server' + NewLine + NewLine; if SoundPage.SelectedValueIndex = 0 then s := s + 'Sound enabled' + NewLine + NewLine else s := s + 'Sound disabled' + NewLine + NewLine; s := s + 'Startup Type: '; case ServicePage.SelectedValueIndex of 0: s := s + 'via command prompt (manually)'; 1: s := s + 'via command prompt (manually)'; 2: s := s + 'as a NT service (manually)'; 3: s := s + 'as a NT service (manually)'; 4: s := s + 'as a NT service (automatically)'; end s := s + NewLine + NewLine; s := s + 'Access to files on Windows partition:' + Newline + Space; case MountPage.SelectedValueIndex of 0: s := s + 'disabled'; 1: s := s + 'using CoFS, root folder: ' + CoFSPage.Values[0]; 2: s := s + 'using Samba (name of share: ' + SambaShareName + ', username: ' + SambaUserEdit.Text + ')'; end s := s + NewLine + NewLine; s := s + MemoGroupInfo + NewLine + NewLine + MemoTasksInfo; Result := s; end;